Friday, January 13, 2012

Not as much progress as anticipated, but progress nonetheless

As the title, not much progress has been made, but some progress has in fact been made. Worked for a little bit to try to find a solution to some strange oddness that was occurring when I would open the file, with any luck it should be gone now and I shouldn't have anymore errors when I open the model up in Maya. Did some tweaks on the legs, added some geometry for a knee, adjusted the ankles/feet a little, and promptly got to work on the next big ticket, the ear.

Ears are always one of the more difficult portions of a human model - not only does it have to look right, but you have to find a way to attach it to the head as well, which can make it difficult to get it to play well with whatever geometry currently exists. A lot of thought goes into ears due to their peculiar shape and strange way that they attach to the head.

I think I've more or less gotten that dealt with now, so all that remains is to finish working on getting the ear attached, then I can take the hand, place that on there, and the basic model will be more or less complete. Mirror geometry, and I can begin work on the next phase of the model, which is skinning it and preparing for ZBrush, or maybe Mudbox (which I have not yet had a chance to play with).

There is some oddness in the model which has me curious, however, but I unfortunately am unable to determine the cause of it. The oddness is that there are portions of the model which appear to be smooth-ish, but then there are other portions where the edges are clearly defined and extremely harsh, and I have no idea why it appears to have such a stark divide. Some experimentation before I sleep will be in order, but odds are I will be heading to bed shortly anyhow.

Tomorrow, perhaps some pictures of what I've been working on. In the meantime, that is today's update - tomorrow may see some gaming, or at the very least perhaps a bit of poking at Wildly Inadvisable.


The answer to the oddness appears to have been solved - it would seem that I have to occasionally reset the normal angle for the model on occasion, as different portions of it seem to have different hardness angles set. Additionally, having a high angle appears to make things softer, while a lower angle would appear to make things appear extremely angular. Making a note of this as it could be interesting to play with later.

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