Friday, September 2, 2011

Prepping for the weekend - and other things

Tonight I spent a couple of hours going through and setting the framework for Pathfinderizing (god that word is getting cumbersome already) spellcasting in d20 Modern. Essentially, it works like this: There is a pool of Universal Talents that any class which gains talents (re: base classes) can take. Additionally, they all come with a prereq requiring either the Divine Heritage or Magical Heritage feats found in Urban Arcana. There's an interesting option there for people who decide to use *both* - though they are likely to have a hard time of it, considering only Humans can opt to take both feats at first level, and they won't get the feat that makes the magic-based skills a class skill. Though, considering the nature of how Pathfinder handles its skills, I doubt this will be too great a drawback for the time being.

First draft of all the talent trees went up tonight - there's four trees in total, one for trained magic (wizards/clerics), one for natural magic (sorceror/favored soul), one for 'theurges' (people who can cast both), and then one tree dedicated to advancing spells. One in particular is likely to become a requirement for Advanced Classes, though I am reconsidering this partly due to the fact that I also want to make it possible for Pathfinder character capable of utilizing these Advanced classes as well - a level or two won't hurt their spellcasting potential, and could offer some interesting alternative benefits.

Thank god that multi-classing into similar spellcasting classes doesn't stack... otherwise we would have one whole hot mess on our hands there. Traditional classes are still far more powerful than their modern variants, but the modern ones will have access to abilities that the traditional classes don't - such as the option to increase spell damage or spell accuracy. There's enough customization that can go into it that you can wind up with some very interesting low-powered casters. Though gaining access to higher-level spells is a real pain for Modern characters - they have to already give up their traditional Talents in order to cast them, so if they want to be able to cast higher level abilities, you're looking at giving up not only every class-based talent, but also sacrificing any other Universal talents. On the bright side, however, characters can take any base class they want and level that, and still take those universal talents, so there is some benefit to that at least - for one thing, they'll be a hell of a lot tougher than their traditional friends. And that's just dealing with the base classes - I haven't even started working on the Advanced Classes (and after that, Prestige Classes).

But enough about game design, I wanted to talk about how I'd like to spend my weekend!

I get the feeling I'm going to be in a bit of a movie mood this weekend, but what should I watch? That is the ever-damning question that is posed to myself. Do I hit myself up again with a Back To The Future marathon again? Or should I just watch all the good Die Hard movies (y'know, every one EXCEPT 2). Maybe I ought to bust out some anime, and do another marathon along those lines of something I've not watched in some time?

I have a lot of options, but I have no clue what I'll go with. Any suggestions are welcome.*

And of course at this point I am suddenly reminded that I have yet to catch up on the new Thundercats. I should rectify this in due course.

Tomorrow night should see another update - though if I do make one, it will likely be short due to work schedule making me go in saturday morning. Upside of this? I have sunday off, so that's quite a bit of time away from my job that I get to myself. Until next time!

*Any suggestion NOT involving MLP:FIM, plzkthx. I'm sick of that already, I'll either watch it or I won't, constantly asking me to watch it will likely have the opposite desired effect. Stop asking!

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