Monday, April 17, 2017

April 2017 Progress Report: Project Cranberry Jam

It has been several months since I last gave any indication as to where we stand for Project Cranberry Jam. This is unacceptable so here goes.

All of the character and background artwork has been completed, though not all of the assets have been converted just yet. Being a one man operation in a lot of respects slows some of that progress down. (Not to mention the attending hardware/OS failures that initially delayed progress, combined with a rather troublesome bug... ugh.)

In what time I've been able to find, work has been slowly progressing on getting the scenes into the engine so that work in other areas can finally begin. The scenes for the demo itself are about 60% completed at this point - the scenes required for Week 3 are about 30% finished by now. A number of them are fairly short, so that shouldn't be too difficult to deal with, provided I have the time.

UI design still hasn't been touched. Again, one man operation, UI work will come after I get the scenes taken care of. Also, no audio has been completed yet - though work has commenced on some of the music. If the stars align, this is something that can be taken care of within another month or so.

There's still a good amount of editing which needs to be done as well. For now, my focus is on getting the scripts into the engine, so that they can be more easily adjusted - I'll have to go through them all again anyways when it comes time to put in the audio.

So as it stands, we're at about 50% completion for the demo, I feel. Getting the scenes all put in is the biggest part of the game - it's the core of the experience, really. Once those are all finished, the demo can be considered about 75% complete - the rest is getting in the audio, fixing any other weird bugs that might pop up, and finishing the UI (and assembling some credits? That's probably important for a full release!).

All told, still a lot of work to be done, and while it's not where I hoped it would be by now, having all of the artwork finished is a huge step forward.

This has been your not-regularly-scheduled break in silence. Back to work.